2023-01-01 18:37:25 +08:00

9.6 KiB

title date draft
Test Highlight 2022-08-26T22:29:10+08:00 true

Test for C

#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int speed = 0, speed1 = 0, speed2 = 0; // 1-20
  printf("Set Mouse Speed by Maverick\n");
  SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSESPEED, 0, &speed, 0);
  printf("Current speed: %2d\n", speed);
  if (argc == 1) return 0;
  if (argc >= 2) sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &speed1);
  if (argc >= 3) sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &speed2);
  if (argc == 2) // set speed to first value
    speed = speed1;
  else if (speed == speed1 || speed == speed2) // alternate
    speed = speed1 + speed2 - speed;
    speed = speed1;  // start with first value
  SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, 0,  speed, 0);
  SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSESPEED, 0, &speed, 0);
  printf("New speed:     %2d\n", speed);
  return 0;

Test for Java

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
public class GetEnv {
   * let's test generics
   * @param args the command line arguments
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // get a map of environment variables
    Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
    // build a sorted set out of the keys and iterate
    for(String k: new TreeSet<String>(env.keySet())) {
      System.out.printf("%s = %s\n", k, env.get(k));

Test for Perl

#!perl -w
# Time-stamp: <2002/04/06, 13:12:13 (EST), maverick,>
# Two pass CSV file to table formatter
$delim = $#ARGV >= 1 ? $ARGV[1] : ',';
print STDERR "Split pattern: $delim\n";
# first pass
open F, "<$ARGV[0]" or die;
  $i = 0;
  map { $max[$_->[1]] = $_->[0] if $_->[0] > ($max[$_->[1]] || 0) }
    (map {[length $_, $i++]} split($delim));
close F;
print STDERR 'Field width:   ', join(', ', @max), "\n";
print STDERR join(' ', map {'-' x $_} @max);
# second pass
open F, "<$ARGV[0]" or die;
  $i = 0;
  map { printf("%-$max[$_->[1]]s ", $_->[0]) }
    (map {[$_, $i++]} split($delim));
  print "\n";
close F;

Test for Python

# test python (sample from offlineimap)
class ExitNotifyThread(Thread):
    """This class is designed to alert a "monitor" to the fact that a thread has
    exited and to provide for the ability for it to find out why."""
    def run(self):
        global exitthreads, profiledir
        self.threadid = thread.get_ident()
            if not profiledir:          # normal case
                    import cProfile as profile
                except ImportError:
                    import profile
                prof = profile.Profile()
                    prof = prof.runctx("", globals(), locals())
                except SystemExit:
                prof.dump_stats( \
                            profiledir + "/" + str(self.threadid) + "_" + \
                            self.getName() + ".prof")
            if sys:
                tb = traceback.format_exc()
        if not hasattr(self, 'exitmessage'):
        if exitthreads:
            exitthreads.put(self, True)
    def setExitCause(self, cause):
        self.exitcause = cause
    def getExitCause(self):
        """Returns the cause of the exit, one of:
        'EXCEPTION' -- the thread aborted because of an exception
        'NORMAL' -- normal termination."""
        return self.exitcause
    def setExitException(self, exc):
        self.exitexception = exc
    def getExitException(self):
        """If getExitCause() is 'EXCEPTION', holds the value from
        sys.exc_info()[1] for this exception."""
        return self.exitexception
    def setExitStackTrace(self, st):
        self.exitstacktrace = st
    def getExitStackTrace(self):
        """If getExitCause() is 'EXCEPTION', returns a string representing
        the stack trace for this exception."""
        return self.exitstacktrace
    def setExitMessage(self, msg):
        """Sets the exit message to be fetched by a subsequent call to
        getExitMessage.  This message may be any object or type except
        self.exitmessage = msg
    def getExitMessage(self):
        """For any exit cause, returns the message previously set by
        a call to setExitMessage(), or None if there was no such message
        return self.exitmessage

Test for Bash

DOT_FILES="lastpass weechat ssh Xauthority"
for dotfile in $DOT_FILES; do conform_link "$DATA_DIR/$dotfile" ".$dotfile"; done
# TODO: refactor with suffix variables (or common cron values)
case "$PLATFORM" in
        #conform_link "$CONF_DIR/shell/zshenv" ".zshenv"
        crontab -l > $ROOT_DIR/tmp/crontab-conflict-arch
        cd $ROOT_DIR/$CONF_DIR/cron
        if [[ "$(diff ~/tmp/crontab-conflict-arch crontab-current-arch)" == ""
            then # no difference with current backup
                logger "$LOG_PREFIX: crontab live settings match stored "\
                    "settings; no restore required"
                rm ~/tmp/crontab-conflict-arch
            else # current crontab settings in file do not match live settings
                crontab $ROOT_DIR/$CONF_DIR/cron/crontab-current-arch
                logger "$LOG_PREFIX: crontab stored settings conflict with "\
                    "live settings; stored settings restored. "\
                    "Previous settings recorded in ~/tmp/crontab-conflict-arch."

Test for Haskell

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
--import Prelude hiding (id)
--import Control.Category (id)
import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (***), arr)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
-- import Data.Monoid (mempty, mconcat)
-- import System.FilePath
import Hakyll
main :: IO ()
main = hakyll $ do
    route   "css/*" $ setExtension "css"
    compile "css/*" $ byExtension (error "Not a (S)CSS file")
        [ (".css",  compressCssCompiler)
        , (".scss", sass)
    route   "js/**" idRoute
    compile "js/**" copyFileCompiler
    route   "img/*" idRoute
    compile "img/*" copyFileCompiler
    compile "templates/*" templateCompiler
    forM_ ["", ""] $ \page -> do
        route   page $ setExtension "html"
        compile page $ pageCompiler
            >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
            >>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
sass :: Compiler Resource String
sass = getResourceString >>> unixFilter "sass" ["-s", "--scss"]
                         >>> arr compressCss

Test for PHP

require_once($GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/country/common.php");
require_once($GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir']. "/classes/SimplePager.php");
$f_country_language_selected = camp_session_get('f_language_selected', '');
$f_country_offset = camp_session_get('f_country_offset', 0);
if (empty($f_country_language_selected)) {
    $f_country_language_selected = null;
$ItemsPerPage = 20;
$languages = Language::GetLanguages(null, null, null, array(), array(), true);
$numCountries = Country::GetNumCountries($f_country_language_selected);
$pager = new SimplePager($numCountries, $ItemsPerPage, "index.php?");
$crumbs = array();
$crumbs[] = array(getGS("Configure"), "");
$crumbs[] = array(getGS("Countries"), "");
echo camp_html_breadcrumbs($crumbs);
<?php  if ($g_user->hasPermission("ManageCountries")) { ?>
        <td><a href="add.php"><?php putGS("Add new"); ?></a></td>

Test for Javascript

import isTypedArray from 'lodash/isTypedArray';
import reverse from 'lodash/reverse';
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
import take from 'lodash/take';
import { food101Classes } from './food101';
export function food101topK(classProbabilities, k = 5) {
  const probs = isTypedArray(classProbabilities)
    : classProbabilities;
  const sorted = reverse(
    sortBy(, index) => [ prob, index ]),
      probIndex => probIndex[0]
  const topK = take(sorted, k).map(probIndex => {
    const iClass = food101Classes[probIndex[1]];
    return {
      id: probIndex[1],
      name: iClass.replace(/_/, ' '),
      probability: probIndex[0]
  return topK;

Test for HTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>A Tiny Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
      p { font-size:15pt; color:#000 }
</style></head><!-- real comment -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000CC">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
      function changeHeight(h) {
        var tds = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
        for(var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
          tds[i].setAttribute("height", h + "px");
<p>Testing page</p>

Test for CSS

Monokai style - ported by Luigi Maselli -
.hljs {
  display: block;
  overflow-x: auto;
  padding: 0.5em;
  background: #272822; color: #ddd;
.hljs-name {
  color: #f92672;
.hljs-code {
  color: #66d9ef;
.hljs-class .hljs-title {
  color: white;