2023-05-31 01:09:02 +03:00

2.5 KiB

Cryptographic specifications

The initial key exchange is performed with elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman. General data exchange is encrypted with AES-GCM. During regular communication payloads are Base64 encoded before being encrypted to prevent delimiter conflicts. SHA-256 hashes of files are compared to ensure data integrity.

Cellular networks

Most cellular ISP's tend to block port forwarding on CGNAT level, which makes it impossible to create inbound connections to such network without a VPN. Luckily many consumer VPNs and self-hosted solutions make port forwarding a trivial task. This is the main reason why the client must fetch information about the public IP from an external service ( for IPv4 and for IPv6).


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Usage: contego host [OPTIONS] --key <KEY> <--source <SOURCE>|--files <FILES>...>

  -k, --key <KEY>              Access key
  -s, --source <SOURCE>        Path to a source file (alternative to --files)
  -f, --files <FILES>...       Paths to shareable files (alternative to --source)
  -p, --port <PORT>            Host port [default: 8080]
  -6, --ipv6                   IPv6 instead of IPv4
  -c, --chunksize <CHUNKSIZE>  Transmit chunksize in bytes [default: 8192]
  -l, --local                  Host locally
  -h, --help                   Print help


Usage: contego connect --addr <ADDR> --out <OUT> --key <KEY>

  -a, --addr <ADDR>  IP address of the instance
  -o, --out <OUT>    Path to an output folder
  -k, --key <KEY>    Access key
  -h, --help         Print help