Socket pair for FTP like file transfer
Single binary containing both server and client. The server can't be hosted on a mobile hotspot network due to the firewalling of most cellular networks. Despite this the client side can still obviously be used even on those scenarios.
Installation and usage
Quickly run with:
cargo run -- <OPTIONS>
or create and run an optimized, independent binary:
cargo build --release
./target/release/fragilebyte <OPTIONS>
If no options are specified the app starts as a server by default. It can be started as a client by defining a target address:
fragilebyte [OPTIONS]
-b, --buffersize <BUFFERSIZE> Buffersize used in the file transfer (bytes) [default: 8192]
-f, --fileroot <FILEROOT> Path to the folder where the files are outputted as a client or
served from as a server [default: './output' / './data']
-h, --help Print help information
--localhost Run only in the local network
-p, --port <PORT> Port where the service is hosted [default: 8080]
-t, --target <TARGET> Server's address when connecting as a client
--timeout <TIMEOUT> Seconds of inactivity after which the server closes itself
[default: 30]
-V, --version Print version information