use fragilebyte::{client, server}; use ntest::timeout; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, thread_rng, Rng}; use std::{ fs::{read_to_string, remove_file, File}, io::{BufWriter, Write}, path::PathBuf, thread::{self, sleep}, time::Duration, }; use tokio_test::block_on; #[test] #[timeout(8000)] /// Syncs three textfiles from ./data to ./output and checks that their contents match fn inputless_filesync_test() { let data = vec![ ("1.txt", create_data()), ("2.txt", create_data()), ("3.txt", create_data()), ]; for file in &data { let filepath = String::from("./data/") + file.0; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(filepath).unwrap()); writer.write_all(file.1.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } let server_handle = thread::spawn(|| { // Start the server in the local network, timeouts after 5 secs of inactivity block_on(server::listen( 8080u16, PathBuf::from("./data"), 8192usize, true, 5, true, )) .unwrap(); }); let client_handle = thread::spawn(|| { // Run the client inputless block_on(client::connect( String::from(""), PathBuf::from("./output"), "test".to_string(), true, )) .unwrap(); }); client_handle.join().unwrap(); // Sleep to give server time to start up sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); server_handle.join().unwrap(); for file in data { let filepath = String::from("./output/") + file.0; let content = read_to_string(filepath).unwrap(); assert_eq!( content, file.1, "Output [{}] does not match input [{}]", content, file.1 ); remove_file(String::from("./output/") + file.0).unwrap(); remove_file(String::from("./data/") + file.0).unwrap(); } } fn create_data() -> String { thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(30) .map(char::from) .collect::() }